”Jinbei” App / Bluetooth®*
Download the ”Jinbei“ app for iOS from the App Store or the „Studio“
app from the Amazon App Store for Android (iOS 9.0 or higher, And-
roid 5.0 or higher).
Connection with the Smartphone
1. Activate Bluetooth®* on your smartphone.
2. Turn on the Jinbei EFII-300 and enable Bluetooth®* in the settings
menu by pressing the WiFi settings button [13] and turning the
function button [12] to reach the WiFi setting ”Off“. Then press the
Bluetooth®* switch / reset [11] to activate Bluetooth®*.
3. Open the ”Jinbei“ app, the connection with the smartphone will be
established automatically.
Note: If you want to connect the LED continuous light with the app
on another smartphone, go to the menu to reset the Bluetooth®*
– The connection is established using ”Bluetooth®* Low Energy“
(BLE). A location release of the app is necessary for this.
The connection to the LED continuous light is established directly
in the app.