The selection Allow you to choose the VIRUS Warning feature for IDE Hard Disk boot sector
protection. If this function is enabled and someone attempt to write data into this area, BIOS
will show a warning message on screen and alarm beep.
(default) No warning message to appear when anything attempts to access the
boot sector or hard disk partition table.
Activates automatically when the system boots up causing a warning
message to appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector
of hard disk partition table.
CPU Internal Cache
The default value is Enabled.
Enable cache
Disable cache
Note: The internal cache is built in the processor.
External Cache
Choose Enabled or Disabled. This option enables the Level 2 cache memory.
Quick Power On Self-Test
This category speeds up Power On Self Test (POST) after you power on the computer. If
this is set to Enabled, BIOS will shorten or skip some check items during POST.
Enable quick POST
Normal POST
First/Second/Third/Fourth Boot Device
The BIOS attempts to load the operating system from the devices in the sequence selected in
these items. The settings are Floppy, LS120, HDD, CDROM, ZIP100, USB-CDROM,
Legacy LAN, and Disabled.
Boot Up Floppy Seek
During POST, BIOS will determine if the floppy disk drive installed is 40 or 80 tracks.
360K type is 40 tracks while 760K, 1.2M and 1.44M are all 80 tracks.
Boot Up NumLock Status
The default value is On.
Keypad is numeric keys.
Keypad is arrow keys.
Gate A20 Option
The A20 signal is controlled by keyboard controller or chipset hardware.
The A20 signal is controlled by port 92 or chipset specific method.
Typematic Rate Setting
Keystrokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard controller. When enabled, the
typematic rate and typematic delay can be selected. The settings are: Enabled/Disabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
Sets the number of times a second to repeat a keystroke when you hold the key down. The
settings are: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, and 30.
Typematic Delay (Msec)
Sets the delay time after the key is held down before beginning to repeat the keystroke.
The settings are 250, 500, 750, and 1000.
Security Option
This category allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup.