Active LFP
The optional settings are: [Disabled]; [LVDS]; [eDP].
* When set as [LVDS], user can make further setting in the following sub-items:
LCD Panel Type
Use this item to select LCD panel used by Internal Graphics Device by selecting the
appropriate setup item.
The optional settings are: [800x480 1-ch 18-bit]; [800x600 1-ch 18-bit]; [800x600 1-ch 24-
bit]; [1024x600 1-ch 18-bit]; [1024x768 1-ch 18-bit]; [1024x768 1-ch 24-bit]; [1280x768 1-
ch 24-bit]; [1280x800 1-ch 18-bit]; [1280x800 1-ch 24-bit]; [1366x768 1-ch 18-bit];
[1366x768 1-ch 24-bit]; [1440x900 2-ch 18-bit]; [1440x900 2-ch 24-bit]; [1280x1024 2-ch
24-bit]; [1680x1050 2-ch 24-bit]; [1920x1080 2-ch 24-bit].
LVDS FW Protect
Use this item to select LCD panel used by Internal Graphics Device by selecting the
appropriate setup item.
The optional settings are: [Enabled]; [Disabled].
* When set as [LVDS] or [eDP], user can make further setting in the following sub-items:
GMCH BLC Control
Use this item to select back light control setting.
The optional settings are: [PWM-Inverted]; [PWM-Normal].
Primary IGFX Boot Display
Use this item to select the video device which will be activated during POST.
The optional settings are: [Auto]; [LFP]; [CRT]; [HDMI].
Secondary IGFX Boot Display
Use this item to select Secondary Display Device.
The optional settings are: [Disabled]; [CRT]; [HDMI].
Memory Information
The working memory information will be on display.
South Cluster Configuration
PCI Express Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
PCI Express Configuration
Peer Memory Write Enable
The optional settings: [Disabled]; [Enabled].