Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clock Enabled
Spread Spectrum Disabled
Clock Control By Software
** Current Host Clock is 100/33MHz **
HOST/PCI Clock at Next Boot is 100/33MHz
** Current DRAM Clock is 100 MHz **
DRAM Clock at Next Boot is 100MH (HOST CLK)
Menu Level >
Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Optimized Defaults F7:Standard Defaults
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clock
This item allows you to enable/disable auto detect DIMM/PCI Clock.
The settings are: Enabled, Disabled.
Clock Control
This item allows you to set the CPU Host Clock by Hardware (CPU/PCI 100/33MHz) or by
Software (BIOS)
Host/PCI clock at Next boot is
When Clock Control setting By Software this item allows you to set CPU Host Clock step by
step from 100MHz to 200MHz, use Page Down/Page Up key can change the frequency to
approach over clocking.
DRAM Clock at Next Boot is
This item allows you to set the DRAM clock synchronous as CPU Host Clock or
Asynchronous as Host clock 100MHz, 133MHz to approach your specification.
3-12 Load Standard/Optimized Defaults
Load Standard Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item, you get confirmation dialog box with a message similar
Load Standard Defaults (Y/N)? N
Pressing <Y> loads the BIOS default values for the most stable, minimal-performance system