Spigot flashing to suit
flue pipe casing
Oversized casing cover
is necessary
Air Ventilation Through Chimney Chase
Air Ventilation Through Top Flashing
Fig 5.0
Fig 6.0
Non combustible
material: 75mm
Hebel Block or
12mm Supalux or
12mm Eterpan LD
Air vents to be min 2 x 80mm diametre or
equal square or rectangular shaped area. These
must be bird & rodent proofed with permanently
fixed screens.
1. Install first length of flue pipe crimped end down, inside gather collar. Rivet flue pipe in 3 places around
gather collar. Place bottom flue spider bracket around gather flue pipe collar, secure in position by
tightening up coach bolt/screw (supplied).
2. Install second length of the flue pipe crimped end down and fix by riveting in at least 3 places around
the flue pipe joint.
3. Install first length of the flue pipe casing by positioning on installed bottom flue spider bracket crimped
end up.
4. Position flue spacer at the flue pipe joint.
5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 to the required flue system height.
6. The last length of flue pipe needs to extend past the flue pipe casing by at least 150mm or flush with
the top of the casing cover spigot when fitted - sizing/measuring and cutting down should be carried
out prior to the flue pipe casing being fitted over the flue pipe.
7. Before fitting casing cover, place the spider in opposition with the spider post facing down between the
flue pipe and flue pipe casing. Secure spider in position. Place the casing cover over the flue pipe, press
down firmly onto the spider. Check airway around the casing cover is clear, then secure in position using
three stainless steel rivets.
8. Fit cowl to top of flue - DO NOT RIVET IN POSITION. In high wind areas, it is recommended that the cowl
be secured in position with a stainless steel self tapping screw, this will enable the cowl to be removed
for cleaning. Discuss Bird Proofing needs with your installer. N.B. in extreme wind areas it may be
necessary to consult The Fireplace Ltd or your local agent for further technical assistance.
9. If flue is concealed in a chase, allow for air vents (2 x 80mm diam. or equivalent) at the highest
possible point on the chimney chase or alternatively, allow a min 25mm air space between the casing
cover spigot and the outer casing. Refer to Figure 5 & 6.
When the fire is not in use, ensure the stainless steel cover is fitted at all times. This will assist in
protecting the firebox. DO NOT attach the cover when the fire is in use.
This fire is NOT warranted against rust or salt air corrosion. Please refer to the Fireplace Fireguard
Warranty for full details.
A seasonal touch-up is recommended. Simply remove surface rust with some steel wool and repaint
using Black VHT paint (available from your nearest showroom). Please ensure all areas around the
firebox are protected when re-painting.
For high wind locations, The Fireplace recommends fitting a Stainless Steel Jetmaster Bird Cowl