SENSOR MENU: SETTING - by pushing the button D (downward arrow) you will change
to the basic setup of the MVario sensor.
Erase data – manual deletion of extremes. By simultaneous pushing of the arrow buttons R
and L (right and left) all records of measured parameters (minimum and maximum) will be
Sensor sens. – adjustment of sensor sensitivity which determines the indicator step length of
the introduction screen and the step length of the acoustic signal. (For instance - sensitivity
adjustment of 1m: If the Vario indicator picture of the introduction screen is fully filled up
then the value of climb rate/descent rate corresponds with 4m and step length of the acoustic
signal with ±1m)
Beep period – adjustment of the time between a group of tones of the Vario acoustic signals.
The number of tones corresponds with the change of climb rate/descent rate which has
occured during the set time.
Trigger level – adjustment of the value of the input pulse length, after whose exceeding the
extremes become deleted and the acoustic signalling of the climb rate/descent rate starts. As
long as the MVario input is not connected to the receiver channel the acoustic signalling is
switched on constantly and deleting of extremes does not proceed automatically. (We
recommend connection of the input to the receiver channel which is controlled from the
transmitter by a switch or by the throttle channel.)
Reverse – reversation adjustment of the input signal evaluation. (For instance, as long as the
trigger level „Trigger level“ is set to 1.50 ms and „Reverse“ to OFF). MVario evaluates an
infringement if the input signal is longer than 1.50 ms and an automatic deletion of extremes
occurs. Furthermore, extremes recording starts and acoustic signalling of the Vario will be
switched on. If the input signal lies below the trigger level, no recording of extremes will
occur and signalling is switched off.)
Alti. above sea – adjustment of the reference altitude above sea level for sensor calibration.
For exact measurements of the absolute altidude the known altitude above sea level must be
set at a point, where the sensor will be operating further on.
Beep Vario Alarm – adjustment of the Morse alphabet character which will represent
infringement of the Vario alert setting by an acoustical tone of the DUPLEX Tx transmitter
Beep Alti. Alarm – adjustment of the Morse alphabet character which will represent
infringement of the altidude alert setting by an acoustical tone of the DUPLEX Tx transmitter
Vario beep – adjustment of one of 4 modes of the Vario acoustic signalling. „ON“ is the
active signalling of climb and descent flight. „ON – DESCENT“ is the active acoustic
signalling for descent flight only. „ON – CLIMB“ is the active acoustic signalling for climb
flight only. In the „OFF“ mode the Vario acoustic signalling is switched off. These
adjustments do not affect the acoustical alert signalling which is always switched on. (If you
want to be informed about violation of one set alert only, signalling of the vario must be
switched off. We do not recommend simultaneous setting of alerts as well as signalling of the
Factory setting – by pressing arrow push buttons R and L (right and left) simultaneously the
sensor will be resetted to factory settings.