Glue the fin to the fuselage. It fits in the slots. Make sure it is
vertical relative to the wing when sighting from the front and rear.
Glue the stab to the bottom of the fin and fuselage. Make sure the
distance from each wing tip TE and the stab tips LE are equal. To
help the model turn, stab tilt can be used. Glue the stab so one
side is about 1/4" high on the side you want the model to turn
toward. Also glue the sub fin to the bottom of the stab.
Make up a short loop of rubber and install it in the fuselage along
with the nose block and prop. Check the CG location. Adjust if
necessary with some ballast in the nose or tail. Replace the short
motor with a flight motor and the model is now ready for its trim
Cut the windshield from clear plastic. Glue the windshield to the top
of F3, the fuselage sides, and the top of cross piece 4.
Install the 1" wheels. A good way to retain the wheels is to wrap
the axles with thread. Apply some glue to the thread as you wrap.
When dry cut off the excess axle length.
Install a Peck thrust bearing in the nose block. Use one for 3/64"
prop shafts. Slide a prop shaft from the rear of the nose block into
the thrust bearing and then install your prop.
The CG location shown in step 33 is a
suggested starting point. You may find a more
forward CG provides a better overall
performance envelope.
CG is located 2 3/4"
back from the wing
leading edge