Moving the machine
Transporting the machine
Loading the machine on a low bed truck
Always perform machine loading and unloading operation on a solid and level surface.
IMPORTANT: Remember to use a ramp or a loading platform for loading and
unloading the excavator.
The ramp must be strong enough to support the weight of the machine. Make sure
the slope of the ramp is less than 15°.
Loading platforms must be wide and strong enough and must have slopes suited so
that the machine can travel to them.
Before loading the machine be sure to thoroughly clean the ramp and the bed.
Ramps or beds that are dirty with oil, mud or ice are slippery and dangerous.
IMPORTANT: During cold seasons warm the machine up sufficiently before loading /
unloading the machine.
Avoid steering when going up or down ramps since this can be extremely dangerous.
If it is absolutely necessary to steer first back to the ground or the bed and then
change the direction of travel an start back up or down again.
Never actuate any lever excapt for the drive lever when going up or down a ramp.
Actuating other levers can cause the machine to become unbalanced and tip over.
There is a sudden jump in a level at the high end of the ramp where it meets the bed.
Be careful when going over this jump.
Drive slowly on ramps
The mid-line of the machine must be over the midline of the trailer.
IMPORTANT: fasten chains or cables to the machine chassis. Do not put chains or
cables over or against hydraulic hoses.