Chipping length
With hydraulic valve only – approx 20mm
With hydraulic capacitor regulator [A3.3 machine] – variable between 5mm – 20mm
(larger chip sizc on special request).
With regulator fitted, =hip 'ength can be continously regulated by turning the valve
screw. (".utting iength can also be affected by the temperature of the hyciraulic fluid
so that it will be necessary to re-adjust 5urinq vork.
Start - up of the hydraulic system
Open the regulator or valve 1:o the maximum position, but do not feed material into
the machiiie. In order to expel air from the system, run without load for 10/15
minutes, changing the valve/regulator position frequently (as if altering chip length).
Indications of air in the system are: foam in the oil reservoir (intermittent operation or
irregular motor speed), noise in the hydraulic system.
After setting up in this way, the system will work under pressure. Check the oil level,
and top up up if necessary.
Repeat this procedure after each oil change.
Required oil viscosity is 30/50 cSt at 40'C.
Reservoir capacity:
18 litres for the A518
20 litres for the A521/A528
23 litres for the A328/A325
23 litres for the A425
60 litres for the A231
64 litres for the A141
64 litres for the A10
Oil type: HLP ISC following DIN 51525
Service procedure
– The filter element should be changed after 20hrs work from new, and thereafter
each 500 hours.
– A complete oil change is necessary after
hours work.
– Check the oil level regularly.
Take great care to avoid contamination of the hydraulic system with dirt and dust
when changing oil, filters, or affecting repairs.
– The hydraulic system is adjusted to 170 bars safety pressure, and protected by a
lead seal. Do not interfere with this!
– The working pressure is about 120
bars, depending on the type of material fed into
the chipper.
For chippers where the feed rollers are powered by tractor hydraulics, the following
oil flow rate is required:
A141 / A231 = 50
Litres / minute
A425 / A328 / A325 = 35 Litres / minute
A521 / A528 / A518 = 20 Litres / minute
Greasing insructions
Wood chipper Jensen
– Lubricate spur gear teeth Aral 'SINIT III'
– Lubricate UJ's and feed roller bearings with Shell 'RETINAX A'
- Both rotor shaft bearings are grease filled for life (in normal working conditions) with