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FAQ - Spørsmål og svar
3) Reset and pairing
Reset HL3200 version 1:
A reset is done by pressing and hold the "Connect" button until all LED’s is flashing
red once.
Reset HL3200 version 2 and F:
A reset is done by pressing and hold the "Connect" button until "Power" LED is
flashing once.
In order for the HL3200 devices to encrypt traffic between them, they need to be
paired together.
1. Put the two HL3200 devices in separate wall sockets and wait until they have
started (Unti power LED is ON)
2. Press the "Connect" button for 2 seconds on both HL3200 devices.
3. HL3200 will now be paired together.
If pairing is successfull the connection LED shoule be lit, on both devices.
Your HL3200 are now ready for use.
2 sec
2 sec