Uninstallation of driver in Windows
If you need to upgrade the driver for AL100AC/AL500AC we recommend that you first uninstall (*)
the current driver.
*) In the below instructions we are showing AL500ac as an example.
The procedure for AL100ac is the same.
1. Download the latest driver for AL100AC/AL500AC from
2. Unzip the downloaded file to the folder C:\AL500AC (or another if you like)
3. Click the Windows key + R and enter CMD (and click Enter)
4. Enter CD\ (and click Enter)
5. Enter CD AL500AC (and click enter) *
* If you have selected to unzip to a different folder you have to navigate to the folder instead.
6. Enter setup -uninst (and click Enter)
7. Click Yes
8. Click Finish.
The driver have now been removed from your Windows system, and you can now install the new
driver by running the setup.exe file that are within the driver folder (c:\AL500AC)
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