Temperature Controlled Deli Drawer
The control for the deli drawer adjusts the temperature of the
drawer. Cold air flows into the drawer through the air duct
between the freezer and the refrigerator. Adjusting the control
allows more or less cold air through the air duct.
Adjust the Temperature (Dispenser Models)
Choose a setting based on the item to be stored in the pan.
Push the button that corresponds to that setting.
The indicator light for that setting will illuminate to verify that
the pan is ready to be loaded.
Style 1
Remove and Replace the Top Cover
Remove food from Ingredient Care Center cover. Pull drawer
out about 4” (10.16 cm). Reach under the glass shelf with both
hands and lift gently upward until back of shelf is free. Tilt the
shelf at an angle and remove the shelf from the refrigerator. Be
sure not to bump the glass.
Replace the cover by holding the glass shelf firmly with both
hands. Tilt the shelf at an angle and position it above the
support rails. Place shelf gently on support rails on side wall.
Meat Storage Guide
Store most meat in original wrapping as long as it is airtight and
moisture-proof. Rewrap if necessary. See the following chart for
storage times. When storing meat longer than the times given,
freeze the meat.
Fresh fish or shellfish......................... use same day as purchased
Chicken, ground beef, variety meat (liver, etc.) ................ 1-2 days
Cold cuts, steaks/roasts .................................................. 3-5 days
Cured meats................................................................... 7-10 days
Leftovers - Cover leftovers with plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or
plastic containers with tight lids.
Crisper and Covers
To remove and replace the crispers:
Slide the crisper drawer straight out to the stop. Lift the front
of the drawer with one hand while supporting the bottom of
the drawer with your other hand and slide the drawer out the
rest of the way.
To replace the crisper drawer, place the drawer onto slides
and push the drawer back until securely in position.
Test the crisper drawer to make sure it has been replaced
To clean crisper covers:
To clean the top crisper cover, remove the Ingredient Care
Center located above it.
To clean the bottom crisper cover, first remove the top
crisper drawer.
Place the back of the shelf in the shelf supports.
Lower the front of the shelf and make sure that it is in position.
A. Deli drawer
B. Crisper
A. Crisper
B. Deli drawer
Style 2