Once your SMS Flasher is connected to the Jenile receivers, you need to test its
proper functioning with your phone.
You can use it in two ways:
1. Use in vibrate mode:
1 Switch your mobile phone to vibrate mode
2 Place it on the SMS Flasher so that it is properly fitted on the notch (K) image
du téléphone portable au dessus de (k) et d’une flèche qui va vers (k)
3 Make the phone vibrate: your SMS Flasher as well as all your Jenile receivers
have to flash
2. Use in sound mode:
1 Switch your mobile phone to sound mode
2 Plug one end of the jack (J) to the sound output of your phone and the other
(J) to the audio jack (C) of the SMS Flasher.
3 Make your phone ring: your SMS Flasher as well as all your Jenile receivers
have to flash
If in “vibrate” mode (use n 1), your SMS Flasher doesn’t flash when you receive a
message or a call, it means that your vibrator is not powerful enough. In this case,
you don’t need to worry. Use you SMS Flasher in “sound” mode (use n 2) and be
satisfied 100%.
Hello Jenile