Can I feed my jellyfish other food?
• Yes, but it is not necessary. Jellyfish can be 100% sustained on
Jellyfish Art’s JellyFood mixture, while Artemia offers a cleaner feeding
• Most commercially available foods are lacking in nutritional content
needed for optimal jellyfish health & contain harmful preservatives.
• One recommended substitution of JellyFood is freshly hatched baby
brine shrimp - a live food. These are also known as artemia or sea
monkeys. Refer to our website for information regarding brine shrimp
hatcheries and how to hatch your own. Brine Shrimp is a good thing to
feed in moderation to help a jellyfish recover from injury or grow.
• Do not use frozen brine shrimp that is sold at most pet stores as it
could contain harmful additives and is too large for jellyfish to digest.
• Instant Baby Brine Shrimp is a product that contains highly
concentrated, preserved, baby brine shrimp.
Only feed in very small
Refrigerate after opening.
How much and how often do I feed my jellyfish?
• One feeding for three jellyfish should consist of 1/4 of a level scoop of
JellyFood daily from the small white spoon provided within the food
• If feeding live
artemia (baby brine shrimp from the included hatcher),
first strain the brine, use the small scoop to measure out a small
amount and only feed enough that can be consumed in 15-20 minutes.
• When feeding more or less jellyfish, adjust the food proportions
accordingly. Keep in mind that excessive feeding can cause water
quality issues. If you notice excess food left over on the bottom of the
tank about an hour after feeding, this is an indicator of feeding too
much, and it should be removed using the feeding pipette.
• In between feedings, it is best to use the feeding pipette to resuspend
any uneaten food ASAP.
• In the first two weeks after receiving your jellyfish, it is recommended
to feed your jellyfish lightly. This is to avoid overwhelming your
population of nitrifying bacteria with excess ammonia.
• It takes jellyfish about 4 hours to fully digest their food. Food that is
not eaten during this time period eventually sinks to the bottom. If the
jellyfish are fed again before their food is completely digested, they will
expel the food creating more food waste in your aquarium. Such feeding
can lead to poor water quality as leftover food decays in the aquarium.
Remove any uneaten food using the feeding pipette or mini-siphon.