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Active Brake:
It uses the excess energy from the motor to stop it.
Spring is fully released, parts in gearbox aren‘t under
strain. Higher braking is for weapons with high RoF.
Braking effect is more powerful with torque motor.
Lower braking intensity spares the motor coils.
The piston is partly compressed after SEMI fire. There
isn‘t almost any delay between trigger pull and shot.
Recommended compression is about 65%. Holding
the trigger for 3 seconds, gun shots again with de-
cocked piston - use it for storing the gun after game.
it increases wear and tear on the gearbox.
Delay between shots:
It is for simulation the delay from gun reload or recoil.
During delay gun can‘t shoot. After dealy gun vibra-
tes shortly to notify the gun is ready for shooting.
Electronic fuse:
Set sensitivity for high current detection to avoid any
damage if something goes wrong. We recommend
to set 10A above average auto current reading from the statistics.
Low Battery Indication:
It is used for only Li-xx batteries. Choose right battery type or it will not work properly.
When is the low battery voltage detected, gun vibrates after each shot. Now it is good
time to replace the battery at the nearest opportunity.
When the battery is discharged the gun vibrates instead of firing for battery protection.
Leviathan drains small amount of current from the battery all the time!