P O B OX 7 2 3 1 , C O LO R A D O S P R I N G S , C O LO R A D O 8 0 9 3 3 U S A E - m A I L : j R D G @ j E f f R Ow L A N D . C O m w w w. j E f f R Ow L A N D . C O m T E L E P H O N E ( 7 1 9) 47 3 -1 1 8 1
I n s ta l l at I o n , U s e & c a r e
M O D E L 5 0 1 M O N O A M P L I F I E R
Locate the amplifier as close as possible to its final installation point. Allow access to the rear
panel for making connections. Due to it’s design, the Model 501 Mono Amplifier is energy
efficient, eliminating the need for heatsinks or forced-air cooling. As a result, the Model 501
Mono Amplifier can be housed in a cabinet or custom enclosure with no fear of overheating.
The efficient and compact design of the Model 501 allows it to be installed in any number of
music, film and surround sound systems. For connection instructions for use in a typical two-
channel stereo system, please see page 11 of this manual.
The main chassis of the Model 501 is precision-machined out of a solid block of aluminum to
create as rigid an enclosure as possible, impervious to lateral and torsional forces. The amplifier
is parti cularly non-resonant; however, various damping and resonance control accessories
may be used to yield greater audio performance in some audio systems.
Do not attempt to access the interior of the MODEL 501 MONO AMPLIFIER by removing the bottom
cover. Doing so will void your warranty and could expose you to dangerous, potentially lethal electrical voltages.