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w I T h m O R e T h A n 3 0
A v A I L A b L e s A f e T y A n d
s e c u R I T y f e A T u R e s ,
p A T R I O T h A s y O u R b A c k.
LImITed shOwn In dARk sLATe gRAy mckInLey LeATheR TRIm wITh LIghT sLATe gRAy sTITchIng
With more than 30 safety and security features
available, it’s easy to see why the Insurance
Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) named
Patriot a 2013 Top Safety Pick.
new sTAndARd suppLemenTAL fROnT seAT-
mOunTed sIde AIR bAgs.
Each side air bag
has its own sensor to autonomously trigger the
air bag on the side where the impact occurs.
AdvAnced muLTIsTAge fROnT And sIde-
cuRTAIn AIR bAgs.
These air bags provide
nearly instantaneous occupant protection by
matching air bag output to crash severity.
heATed pOweR exTeRIOR mIRRORs.
Melt snow
and ice off your sideview mirrors as you warm
up your interior. This available feature also helps
to keep your mirrors icicle-free as you drive.
eLecTROnIc sTAbILITy cOnTROL (esc).
An advanced system designed to assist drivers
in maintaining control of their vehicle at all times.
It integrates an available four-wheel Antilock
Brake System (ABS) with hydraulic Brake Assist,
all-speed traction control, and Electronic Roll
Mitigation (ERM) to constantly monitor driver
input against the vehicle’s actual course. When
needed, the system automatically helps provide
braking to the appropriate wheels and reduces
engine power when overly sharp steering and/or
impending wheel lift is detected.
TIRe pRessuRe mOnITORIng sysTems.
Embedded sensors continuously monitor the
pressure in the tires and will immediately notify
the driver when levels drop below the minimum
acceptable level.
hALOgen heAdLAmps And fOg LAmps.
bright sources of light improve down-road
visibility at night or during inclement weather.
hILL sTART AssIsT (hsA).
This system works to
prevent your Patriot from rolling away when
starting the vehicle on an up- or downhill gradient.
It holds the vehicle stationary for two seconds
after the driver’s foot is removed from the brake
pedal, allowing time to apply the throttle. Standard
on manual transaxle models, and included with the
Trail Rated,
Freedom Drive II
Off-Road Group.
fROnT-seAT AcTIve heAd ResTRAInTs.
In the
event of a rear-end collision, the head restraints
move forward and upward to decrease the space
between the headrest and the occupant’s head,
thereby helping to reduce the chance of injury.
sIRIusxm TRAffIc.
Avoiding traffic jams is
easy. With SiriusXM Traffic,
you’re notified
of major accidents, construction, and
road closings along your route. SiriusXM
satellites monitor a million miles of roadways
nationwide and coast-to-coast, all day, every
day. Color-coded roadways inform you of
traffic flow and speed in major metropolitan
areas. Visit
AnTILOck bRAke sysTem (Abs)