ge 11
548 C
adVanced MUltistaGe frOnt and side-cUrtain
air BaGs.
these air bags provide nearly instantaneous
occupant protection by matching air bag output to impact
severity. standard.
reactiVe frOnt Head restraints.
in the event of
a rear-end collision, the head restraint moves forward and
upward to decrease the space between the head restraint
and the occupant’s head, thereby helping to reduce the
chance of injury. standard.
Hill start assist.
this system works to delay vehicle
rollback when starting on an incline. it holds the vehicle
stationary for two seconds after the driver’s foot is
removed from the brake pedal, allowing time to apply
the throttle. standard.
sentrY KeY
antitHeft enGine iMMOBiliZer.
a unique
embedded key code matched only to your vehicle helps
keep your Patriot safely where it belongs. standard.
HalOGen HeadlaMPs and fOG laMPs.
these bright
sources of light improve down-road visibility at night or
during inclement weather. Headlamps standard. fog lamps
are available.
enHanced accident resPOnse sYsteM (ears).
should air bags deploy, ears switches on the interior
and hazard lamps, unlocks the doors, and shuts off fuel
supply after the vehicle has stopped. standard.
48046_13MY CDN Jeep Patriot.indd 11
8/31/12 9:26 AM