© Jeds Peds
Test your PCB
This is an important stage, not to be skipped. The PCB connections I use are generic across all my
PCB’s, so this is relevant for all the kits regardless of the board in the image.
By now, you should have a PCB with its components fitted and its pots soldered. You should also
have both jacks and a power socket set a side, all 3 with wires coming from them but going
First point of note is don’t put anything in the enclosure yet. I see people building ins
ide a tiny
enclosure and I always wonder why. Some PCB’s are tight enough as it is without reducing your
workspace to 6cm wide!
Now get another black wire and solder it to the pcb
Once that wire is in place take all 4 black wire ends
and solder them together using this technique shown
in the next image.
All 4 black wires are now joined. This is your ground network.
Now take the RED wire from the power
socket. Solder it directly to the PCB here.
So now you have 5 wires connected, 4 are grounds and the red one taking 9V to the circuit. That
leaves two wires, the jack tips.
Take one wire from one tip and solder it to the
IN pad. This is now your test phase input jack.
Take the final tip wire and solder it to the OU
pad. This is now your test phase output jack.