3 . S E T T I N G T H E P E R P E T U A L C A L E N D A R
3 . 1 S E T T I N G T H E D A T E
Start by
pusher B by opening its safety catch beneath
the watch. Press pusher B to advance the calendar a day at a time
until the correct date is shown (ignore the fact that the days cylinder
is turning during this operation). After setting the date, lock pusher
B by closing its safety catch . If the day or month does not correspond
to the date, they can be set separately by following the instructions
3.2 and 3.3.
You will be unable to set the date to the 31
of the month unless
the month shown on the watch has 31 days. In that case, set the correct
month first, according to the instructions 3.3; then set the date.
The moon phase is set independently of the date (see section 3.4).
3 . 2 S E T T I N G T H E D A Y
pusher A by opening its safety catch beneath the watch.
Press pusher A to advance the days cylinder a day at a time until the
correct day appears. Then, lock pusher A after use by closing its
safety catch .
Pressing pushers A and B when they are locked may
damage your watch.