Applying Brakes and Replacing Castors
Reference: Figure 10 – Brake Application and Castor Replacement.
Arrow 1:
Suppressing this lever with the foot will apply the brake to the castor. When all four brakes are applied the chair is
rigid in position. To remove the brakes simply flick lever 1 back up using the foot.
Arrow 2:
Castors can be simply removed by placing the chair on its side and by pulling the castor away from the frame. This
should only be necessary if for some reason the castor is damaged. Replacement castors can be purchased using the
companies ordering system.
Always ensure that the Castors are completely locked into position before operating this chair.
Never Over Adjust or Over Tighten Moving Parts!
Figure 10 – Brake Application and Castor Replacement.
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Arrow 1
Arrow 2