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The basic joint structure:


Narrow end of #1 curved tube is inserted into 
the normal end of another #1 tube. 
Through the aligned holes, #3 screw is securely 
attached in #2 support tube. 



Assembly Instructions:

 Refer to the assembly drawing for the following steps. Ensure that the 

tubes point in the direction shown. 

Starting from the bottom right of the arch

, begin assembly by inserting a #1 curved tube 

into another #1 tube, and aligning the holes. 

2.  Insert a #3 screw into the aligned holes, attach a #2 tube as a crossbar and securely tighten 

the screw with a screwdriver. 

3.  Repeat Step One & Two and attach the opposite side of #2 tube to another pair of #1 tubes 

with the screw, forming the first rung of the ladder-shaped assembly. 

4.  Screw a #2 support tube at the bottom from both sides to complete the bottom assembly. 
5.  Add another “ladder step” by inserting 2 more #1 tubes into the top of previous assembly on 

either side of the “ladder” and screwing them together with an additional #2 support tube & 2 
more #3 screws. 

6.  Repeat to add the remaining “ladder steps”. 
7.  Screw a #2 support tube at the bottom from both sides using the included #6 25mm screws to 

complete the bottom assembly. 

8. Tighten 


 the screws again to ensure that the completed arch is rigid. 

Finally attach the floor/ground support bars to 
the round arch as shown. 
Congratulations! Now the arch is ready for 
decorations. Make sure to first secure the arch 
to the tabletop/floor or ground properly – free 
standing installation is not recommended – 
before adding lightweight decorations. 
For additional indoor/outdoor wedding or 
garden applications, this product can be 
reconfigured by removing 1 or more “links” to 
lower the arch. 


If you have any questions or concerns with your purchase, we would love to hear from you at   

[email protected] 
