b) DepthThe amplifiers require a rack depth of 45.7 cm (18 in) to clear the rear support
ears. The rear panel is 42.9 cm (16.9 in) behind the plane of the front mounting rails, allowing
some room for routing of wires.
Stability, Reliability and Protection
The MPC Series is engineered for stability and
exceptional reliability, with protection for open or short circuits and mismatched (under-
impedance) loads. Protection is also built-in for ultrasonic, infrasonic (subsonic) and RF. To
protect the loudspeakers the outputs mute during turn-on and turn-off and also in the event
of a DC load fault. (The MPC200 and 200T are AC coupled and cannot pass DC to the load;
thus DC fault muting is not required on these models.) See section on Protection Circuits for
additional information.
All protection circuitry automatically resets to normal when conditions assure safe operation.
MPC amplifiers feature balanced inputs, connected via a Euro-style 7-terminal
detachable header.
Channel 2+
Channel 2-
Channel 1-
Channel 1+
Loosen screw,
insert wire here,
then tighten screw.
Balanced Connection
Attach as shown. Connect the (+) wire, (-) wire and ground wire to
terminal pins as marked.
Unbalanced Connection
Attach input signal wires as shown. Use the non-inverting (+)
input and the ground terminals of the header, and also connect a wire jumper between the
inverting (-) input and the ground terminal. The wire jumper will prevent a reduction in gain
caused by a floating unbalanced input.
Signal conductor
Wire jumper
input and
Input Sensitivities
Audio signals of the following levels will produce full rated output
power at 8 ohms with the volume control turned up full.
MPC200 & 200T 0.96 Volts
MPC300 & 300T 1.02 Volts
MPC600 & 600T 1.00 Volts