3.2 Hi-Z Switch
When this switch is in the “OFF” position, the amplifier is configured to drive low
impedance speakers, (4 Ohms ,minimum) The Hi-Z switch will switch in the built-in
output transformer allowing the unit to drive 70V or 100V speaker systems directly
when connected to the appropriate output terminals. As an added feature when
driving the high impedance speakers, the system automatically switches in a 70Hz
high pass filter.
3.3 Remote Volume Control
Remote volume control can be implemented using a CSR-V controller connected via
an Ethernet cable to the RJ45 connector on the back panel. For the CSA 240Z,
CSA 280Z and CSA 2120Z, there are two connectors, one for each amplifier output.
3.4 Sleep Mode
To save energy, the unit is designed to go into sleep mode after approximately 2
hours operating with no signal at any of the inputs. Return of signal (-36dBu) to
any input will wake the unit from its slumber. The sleep mode can be disabled by
activating the Sleep Disable switch on the rear panel.