problem. Track back the signal path to locate
If signal present at pin 8, but still no sound, check
for cold solder joints on all power resistors, R4a and
R4b and the the power amp module. If C24 is
blown, C6 is not soldered or is defective. Check the
signal at R2. On the down signal side, the voltage
signal should be very small. If signal is similar on
both sides of R2, the amp module is likely defective.
If you hear a mechanical clicking noise from the amp
module, this indicates that the short circuit protection
has been engaged. Check that Q3, Q4 and Q5 are
soldered correctly. Also check that Q3 is not shorted
to power amp case.
If you have to replace the power module, be very,
very patient with the solder removal from this single
sided PCB.
(See page 23)
Assembly notes. Top side soldering as below:
J5: solder both ends
J3: solder both ends
J1: solder both ends
R48: solder GND end
At junction of C7a/C7b: Pin to GND
Crossover pot Gnd wire from PDB pad to POT
barrel. (Only physical contact required between
pot body and faceplate).
After repair, inspect for possible safety hazards, including
loose hardware, missing lock washers, correct fuse and
lead dress of primary wires (these must be held in position
with cable ties so that they cannot touch secondary
components). With ohmmeter, check that panel is
connected to signal ground.
It is essential that the following safety insulation test be
performed prior to returning the Power SubWoofer to the
customer, using one of the following methods.
A) Insulation Resistance Test
With a 500VDC Insulation Tester, Check
insulation from the outer metal contact of the
RCA jack (chassis) to the line neutral of AC
cord. Resistance should be >100M
B) Hi-Pot Test
If a UL approved Hi-Pot tester is available, test
line & neutral of AC cord to outer shell of RCA
jack (chassis) at 1100VAC for 2 seconds.
Observe all of instrument manufacturer's
instructions and safety warnings in performing
this test.
Connect subwoofer system to a music source. Play at high
level while checking for air leaks around panel edge, driver,
panel jacks and controls, and voice coil problems such as
rubbing or loose turns. With the crossover "frequency" set
to 50Hz, very little of the voice content should be heard.
Follow all disassembly instructions in reverse order. If the
input plate has been removed, it must be re-sealed with a
small bead of silicon seal or air leaks may result.