JBL 5231 Technical Manual Download Page 5





2. Align the three holes in each crossover card with the 

corresponding mounting pins on the main printed circuit 

board. The components on the card should face toward the 
chassis with the frequency designation label oriented 
toward the front panel. 

3. As the card is gently pressed against the mounting pin 

stops (approximately


/ 4 " ) ,

 electrical connection will be 

made between the card connector and six pins on the 
printed circuit board. 

4. Replace the bottom cover and secure it with the four 

screws. The unit is now ready for mounting and connection 
of the various inputs and outputs. 

Mote: Operation

  0 1

 the 5231 or 5232


 a crossover 


 will not damage the


It is possible to construct a system using an electronic low 

frequency transition and a conventional passive network for 
the midrange or high frequency crossover. The JBL 4350 

Studio Monitor, diagrammed above, is such a system. If a 
pair of 4350's are to be used, a single 5232 can accommodate 

both systems. Note that the passive, high level frequency 
dividing network used in the 4350 already incorporates the 
required attenuation capacitors to protect the midrange and 
high frequency drivers. 

Crossover Card Insertion 

Prior to installing the 5231 or 5232, a crossover card must be 
inserted in each channel as follows: 

1. Place the 5231 or 5232 upside down on a soft surface, 

remove the two Phillips-head screws from either side of 

the case and lift the bottom cover from the chassis. 


  1 .

 Minimum Values 

For Low Frequency 

Attenuation Capacitors 

T h e  a b o v e  c a p a c i t o r s  a r e  a v a i l a b l e  f r o m  a n y  e l e c t r o n i c s  p a r t s 

s u p p l i e r .  C a p a c i t o r  b r e a k d o w n  v o l t a g e s  s h o u l d  b e  g r e a t e r  t h a n  7 5  V . 
D o  n o t  u s e  p o l a r i z e d  e l e c t r o l y t i c  c a p a c i t o r s ;  p a p e r  o r  M y l a r 
c a p a c i t o r s  a r e  a c c e p t a b l e . If  v o l t a g e  a c r o s s  t h e  p r o t e c t e d  d r i v e r 
e x c e e d s  t h e  v o l t a g e at  t h e  o u t p u t  o f  t h e  a m p l i f i e r at  f r e q u e n c i e s  j u s t 
b e l o w  c r o s s o v e r , a  r e s i s t o r  m u s t  b e  p l a c e d  i n  p a r a l l e l  w i t h  t h e 
d r i v e r s .  T h e  r e s i s t o r  s h o u l d  h a v e a  m i n i m u m  v a l u e  o f  t w i c e  t h e  r a t e d 

i m p e d a n c e  o f  t h e  d r i v e r . 

The crossover card is pressed on to mounting pins as shown. Note 

the use of two hands to maintain proper alignment tor installation or 

removal of the card. 

Input and output terminals of the 5231 and 5232. 







P A S S I V E  F R E Q U E N C Y 
D I V I D I N G  N E T W O R K 

U L T R A - H I G H 



F i g u r e  2 .

 Combining Electronic And Passive Frequency 

Dividing Networks 

C r o s s o v e r  F r e q u e n c y 

D r i v e r  I m p e d a q e ® ^ ^ 

4  o h m s


£>mf$ 16

  o h m s 


  H z  t o


  H z  _ ^ * » 

A b o v e


. '20O0

  / i f




  / i f 


  / i f


  / i f


  / i f 

1 0 . 0

/ i f

  5 . 0

/ i f


  / i f 

M o u n t i n g 

The 5231 or 5232 can be mounted in a single EIA standard 

rack space without additional bracing or ventilation.


external connections are made on the rear panel. Mounting 
hardware is supplied with each unit. 

Summary of Contents for 5231

Page 1: ...Professional Series Technical Manual Electronic Frequency Dividing Networks 5231 Single Channel 5232Dual Channel ...

Page 2: ...ion establish alternative repair procedures or furnish replacement parts as appropriate Products returned to the factory must be shipped prepaid The warranty on JBL products shall remain valid only if repairs are performed by JBL or under its authorized pro cedures and provided that the serial number on the unit has n o t been defaced or removed J B L c o n t i n u a l l y e n g a g e s in r e s e...

Page 3: ...other frequencies details provided in the appendix Advantages 1 Lower Distortion The use of electronic frequency dividing networks and multiple amplifiers permits delivery of optimum power over the desired audio spectrum with minimum distor tion By dividing the audio spectrum prior to amplification the individual low frequency and high frequency amplifiers can perform their functions with greater ...

Page 4: ...h Dual C h a n n e l Active Crossover Figure 1 Typical Installations Of The 5231 And 5232 Compared To Conventional Passive Networks Whenever a midrange or high frequency driver is connected directly to a power amplifier a series capacitor is recom mended to attenuate unwanted low frequency on off switching transient signals which can damage the driver Specific capacitor values are given in Table 1...

Page 5: ...e case and lift the bottom cover from the chassis 4 Table 1 Minimum Values For Low Frequency Attenuation Capacitors T h e a b o v e c a p a c i t o r s a r e a v a i l a b l e f r o m a n y e l e c t r o n i c s parts s u p p l i e r C a p a c i t o r b r e a k d o w n v o l t a g e s s h o u l d b e g r e a t e r t h a n 7 5 V D o n o t u s e p o l a r i z e d electrolytic c a p a c i t o r s p a...

Page 6: ...ts A separate pair of screw terminals located on the rear panel is provided for the low and high frequency output of each channel Outputs will drive the high impedance bridging line input of any conventional amplifier Typically the impedance of a bridging input is at least 5000 ohms usually 10 000 ohms or more therefore two or more power amplifiers can be driven by a single electronic frequency di...

Page 7: ...uency Level control Correct system wiring will be verified if the treble com ponent of the program material simultaneously increases in level while coming from the midrange and high frequency drivers Transducer Phasing One important factor contributing to the natural sound character of a loudspeaker system is the phase relationship of the transducers for an octave below and above each cross over f...

Page 8: ...he normal listening location If subjective analysis is to be used and the power amplifiers are equipped with level controls initially adjust the controls to one half of their full rotation and then regulate as necessary Subjective Adjustment Of Bi Ampiified Systems The fol lowing applies to a 5231 or to each channel of a 5232 used in dual channel bi amplification 1 With the High Frequency Level co...

Page 9: ...ce SEACOR or AMPEREX metalized polyester or equivalent Parts List Servicing should be referred to qualified personnel A list of major parts has been included for convenience S c h e m a t i c R e f e r e n c e N u m b e r J B L Part N u m b e r D e s c r i p t i o n 5231 5232 T R A N S F O R M E R T301 T301 51325 Power Transformer D I O D E S CR401 402 403 404 CR405 406 CR401 402 403 404 CR405 406...

Page 10: ...DC output voltages for each integrated circuit which should measure 0 Vi VDC If this specification is not met the integrated circuit is defective and should be replaced DC voltages are measured with respect to ground It should be noted that a DC voltmeter having a high input impedance 10 megohms or greater is recommended 8 ...

Page 11: ...ividing Network T h e s c h e m a t i c of the 5231 is i d e n t i c a l w i t h e x c e p t i o n of t h e r e f e r e n c e d e s i g n a t i o n s R201 etc T h e a p p r o p r i a t e s c h e m a t i c is p a c k e d w i t h the units c o n c e r n e d FREQ SELECT ...
