background image



There are different models of protectors and
extractors as accessories.

The measurements of all the extractors and
protectors are given on page 34 of instructions

C) Tripod:

For small components for which an extractor
cannot be used, we recommend use of tripod 20
Ref. 0932050, as shown in the figure.

Use the tripod 40 Ref. 0932250 for larger integrated


1 After desoldering the component, any solder

left on the printed circuit should be removed
using a desoldering station. We recommend
one of our stations, the 

RP 5100, 


RA 5150

or the 

TA 5120


2 Place the component or printed circuit.

3 When the component is correctly placed,

solder its pins.In the case of integrated circuits
of the Flat Pack type, first solder one pin of
every IC angle to fix it in place in the circuits.

4 Apply Flux 


in pads and leads.

5 Solder the remaining pins. For that, we

recommend you use our soldering station,
the Advanced Series, which has 2 models
of irons.

Summary of Contents for JT 6040

Page 1: ...ndig ausgef lltes Blatt bei GARANZIA ITALIANO La JBC garantisce quest apparato 6 mesicontroognidifettodifabbricazione e copre la riparazione e la sostituzione dei pezzi difettosi includendo la mano d...

Page 2: ...r stand Ref 0930180 Extractor stand Ref 0932845 Set of 5 protectors Fig 1 page 34 Set of 5 extractors Fig 2 page 34 2 tripods for the protectors Fig 1 page 34 Set of 4 suction cups Ref 0930110 3 nozzl...

Page 3: ...tors and extractors are grouped on the console in three colours yellow orange and red like the temperature and air flow regulating scales on the front panel of the station This means that according to...

Page 4: ...flux turns liquid the extractor will automatically lift the component Use the pedal to start the hot air generator directing it with a circular movement at the component terminals and taking care to d...

Page 5: ...1 After desoldering the component any solder left on the printed circuit should be removed using a desoldering station We recommend one of our stations the RP 5100 the RA 5150 or the TA 5120 station 2...

Page 6: ...and in perfect condition 2 Verify the filters at the entrance of the pump and change them if dirty or obturated therefor Disconnect the filter plug tube Unscrew the plug and remove the gasket Remove...

Page 7: ...mory ERR 6 Insufficient air flow which causes an excesive rise of the heating temperature Before recuperating this type of error you must wait until the temperature goes down Possible causes leaking o...

Page 8: ...Ref 0930180 Soporte para extractores Ref 0932845 Conjunto de 5 protectores Fig 1 p g 34 Conjunto de 5 extractores Fig 2 p g 34 2 tr podes para los protectores Fig 1 p g 34 Conjunto de 4 ventosas Ref...

Page 9: ...nci n del IC a desoldar y col quelo sobre el componente Ponga en marcha la bomba de aspiraci n mediante la tecla VACUUM y coloque el tr pode Presione la ventosa hasta que quede adherida al componente...

Page 10: ...cione el tama o del extractor en funci n del IC a desoldar Ponga en marcha la bomba de aspiraci n mediante la tecla VACUUM C o l o q u e e l e x t r a c t o r y p r e s i o n e l a ventosa hasta que q...

Page 11: ...ponen de 2 modelos de soldador Existen como accesorio varios modelos de protectores y extractores Las medidas de todos los protectores y extractores se detallan en la p gina 34 del manual C Tr pode Pa...

Page 12: ...stado 2 Compruebe los filtros de entrada de la bomba y cambielos si est n sucios u obturados para ello Desconecte el tubo de la tapa del filtro Desenrosque el tap n y quite la junta Extraiga los tres...

Page 13: ...cado una subida excesiva de la temperatura del calefactor Antes de recuperar este tipo de error deber esperar a que la temperatura descienda Causas posibles conductos de aire rotos u obstruidos o bomb...

Page 14: ...ose d un outil sp cial Fig 3 page 34 Tuyau d aspiration avec connecteurs R f 0932330 P dale avec c ble et connecteur R f 0964551 Filtres de rechangeR f 0966689 Manuel d instructions R f 0935400 Donn e...

Page 15: s sur le pupitre en trois couleurs jaune orange et rouge de la m me mani re que les chelles de r gulation de temp rature et d bit d air de la face avant de la station Nous vous cons illons de fa...

Page 16: ...cteur S lectionnez la taille de l extracteur en fonction du CI dessouder Mettez en route la pompe d aspiration travers la touche VACUUM Placez l extracteur et poussez la ventouse jusqu ce qu elle soit...

Page 17: ...SOUDER 1 Apr s avoir dessoud le composant vous devrez liminer les traces de soudure qui restent sur le circuit imprim avec une station dessouder Nous vous recommandons nos stations RP 5100 RA 5150 et...

Page 18: ...V rifiez les filtres d entr e de la pompe et changez les s ils sont sales ou obstru s pour cela D brancher le tube du bouchon du filtre D visser le bouchon et enlever le joint Oter les trois filtres...

Page 19: ...fisant ce qui a provoqu une mont e excessive de la temp rature du chauffeur Avant de r cup rer ce type d erreur devrez attendre que la temp rature descende Causes possibles conduits d air cass s ou ob...

Page 20: ...r Heizst nder eine Abziehvorrichtung Abb 3 Seite 34 AnsaugrohrmitAnschlu st cken Ref 0932330 Pedal mit Kabel und Anschlu st ck Ref 0964551 Ersatzfilter Ref 0966689 Bedienungsanleitung Ref 0935400 Tech...

Page 21: ...F ENTL TPROZESS Die Schutzvorrichtungen und Abzieher sind je nach Gr e in den Farben gelb orange oder rot auf dem Pult angeordnet ebenso wie die Regelskalen f r Arbeitstemperatur und Luftstrom an der...

Page 22: ...bzieher Die Gr e des Abziehers gem den Abmessungen des zu entl tenden IC w hlen Die Saugpumpe durch Bet tigung der VACUUM Taste zuschalten Abzieher aufsetzen und den Saugnapf andr cken bis das Bauteil...

Page 23: ...s mtliche eventuell auf der Leiterplatte verbliebene L treste mittels einer Entl tstation zu entfernen Wir empfehlen hierzu die JBC Stationen RP 5100 RA 5150 bzw TA 5120 2 Plazieren und genaues Zentr...

Page 24: M gliche Ursachen Fehler im Triac oder unzureichender Luftstrom ERR 3 Keine Messung am Temperaturf hler M gliche Ursache Temperaturf hler offen L tkolben 2010 f r Pr zisionsarbeiten wie SMD L ten e...

Page 25: ...rmationen in den bzw aus dem E2ROM Speicher unm glich ERR 6 Unzureichender Luftstrom was zu einer starken Erh hung der Heiztemperatur f hrt Bevor Sie die Funktion wieder herstellen sollten Sie warten...

Page 26: ...iale del supporto Fig 3 pag 34 Tubo aspirazione con connettori Rif 0932330 Pedale con cavo e connettore Rif 0964551 Filtri di ricambio Rif 0966689 Manuale di istruzioni Rif 0935400 Dati tecnici dell U...

Page 27: ...I protettori e gli estrattori a seconda delle loro dimensioni sono raggruppati nella cassetta in tre colori giallo arancione e rosso come le scale di regolazione della temperatura ed il flusso d aria...

Page 28: ...trattore Selezionare l estrattore delle dimensioni adeguate al C I da dissaldare Avviare la pompa d aspirazione mediante il tasto VACUUM Collocare l estrattore e premere la ventosa finch rimanga aderi...

Page 29: ...ta dissaldato il componente si dovranno eliminare i residui di saldatura rimasti sul circuito stampato A tal fine consigliamo delle nostre stazioni RP 5100 RA 5150 e TA 5120 2 Posizionare e centrare i...

Page 30: ...della pompa e sostituirli se sono sporchi o otturati nel seguente modo Staccare il tubo dal tappo del filtro Svitare il tappo e togliere la guarnizione Estrarre i tre filtri di carta eliminare quelli...

Page 31: ...ortata d aria insufficiente Provocato da eccessivo riscaldamento del riscaldatore Prima di recuperare questo errore attendere che il riscaldatore sia raffreddato Possibili cause condotti d aria ostrui...

Page 32: ...tions Soldering stations for specialized use with SMD components assemblies RP 5100 RA 5100 and TA 5120 Desoldering stations which enable the rapid desoldering of all kinds of insertion components FL...


Page 34: ......

Page 35: ...12 0 17 0 44 0934000 12 5 12 5 00 0934025 13 5 21 5 48 0932230 15 0 15 0 60 0934010 17 0 17 0 00 0934030 18 5 18 5 PART N A mm B mm 52 0932052 20 0 20 0 64 0932064 20 0 26 0 80 0932184 24 0 24 0 68 0...

Page 36: ...incluyendo la mano de obra necesaria Quedan excluidas de esta garant a las aver as provocadas por mal uso del aparato Es indispensable para acogerse a esta garant a el envio del aparato al distri buid...

Page 37: ...ndig ausgef lltes Blatt bei GARANZIA ITALIANO La JBC garantisce quest apparato 6 mesicontroognidifettodifabbricazione e copre la riparazione e la sostituzione dei pezzi difettosi includendo la mano d...
