Jb-L20 Manual
Jb Vario
are designed to be small, light, effec ve, price sensi ve and easy to
handle instruments which can be setup without the use of a computer.
This is the
To turn on the instrument
Just Press (Jp)
for 3 sec. (this to prevent accidental
turning on while off). Jb-L20 tells you that it is ready to fly by producing a short jingle.
Absolute al tude above the sea level (adjustable)
Are the maximum ascent and descent recorded while flying. V stands for ver cal.
Volume icons: 100% 50% MUTE. / Then we have Unit, can be meters or feet
The al tude in rela on to the takeoff. It is set to 0 when you turn on Jb-L20
Then there is a chronometer that starts in the moment you turn on. It can be reset by Btn DOWN
The ba ery last about 15 hours, when the icon starts to blink you s ll
have about 1 hour of flying me remaining.
The analogical bar shows the ver cal speed. The first black triangle indicates that
you are in a range from 0.1 to 0.9 mt/sec (or /sec) . the first black box is from 1 to
1.9 mt/sec and so on ll 5.9. From 5.9 to 10.9 on the black box is drawn a white trian-
gle. If the ver cal speed is 0 no triangle or box is drawn.