MK-100074 Rev. B
The JAY GS Cushion interfaces with a wide variety of JAY compo-
nents including:
Lateral Pelvic Supports (hip guides) for additional positioning
or growth in the width of the Cushion.
Lateral Thigh Supports (abductors) to prevent excessive
abduction or spreading of the legs or to provide width
adjustment for the Cushion.
Mini Fluid Supplement Pads to compensate for a non-fixed
lean or for added pressure relief and comfort.
A variety of Medial Thigh Supports (abductors) for increased
leg separation.
A 1/2" (1 cm) Well Build-up (not shown) to decrease hip
flexion for individuals with limited range of motion.
The JAY GS Cushion with a standard fluid pad or Pressure Relief
Pad will accommodate most accessories. An upsized cover is rec-
ommended when larger accessories are used. Fitting of acces-
sories should take place under the supervision of a doctor or a
Place the client on the cushion without the cover for 2 minutes.
Lift the client off the cushion, trying not to disturb the fluid.
Examine the points where the ischials (seatbones) and coccyx
(tailbone) were positioned. If there is 1/2" (1 cm) or less of fluid
between the bottom of the depression and the base, extra fluid is
needed. Fluid supplement pads for this purpose are available
through your local supplier. For 10" (25 cm), 12" (30 cm), and 14"
(35 cm) JAY GS Cushions, utilize Mini Fluid Supplement Pads. For
16" (40 cm) and
18" (45 cm) JAY GS Cushions, utilize Standard Fluid Supplement
Pads. To use
Fluid Supplement Pads, place them along the side of the well,
under the Pressure Relief Pad. Replace fluid pad over them and re-
The clinical indicator for tissue breakdown is skin redness.
Periodically check the skin for redness. If skin redness occurs, dis-
continue the use of the Cushion and consult your doctor or ther-
apist immediately.
A wheelchair cushion is a very important part of the life of the
user. Keeping the cushion in good condition may ensure years of
use. Proper cleanliness will also help extend the life of the Cushion.
Monthly cleaning and inspection is recommended. Check the
cover for tears or excessive wear. Check the base to ensure any
accessories are still in the right position. Inspect the fluid pad for
punctures and fluid consistency. If the fluid ever feels firmer in one
area, simply knead the fluid back to its original consistency and/or
call Sunrise Medical.
Both the fluid pad and the foam base should be washed with warm
water and soap. An incontinence-resistant cover will help reduce
the need for cleaning. Do not steam autoclave. The removable
cover can also be washed. Machine wash and dry on moderate
heat. Do not dry clean.
1. Replace any accessories on foam base (if used). Attach fluid
pad to foam base along one side, on Velcro® attachment
strip. Secure pad at center along Velcro® strip. Then attach
the second side, same as first.
2. The split in the front of the fluid pad should be attached
evenly to the center Velcro strip. If using the 3" (7.5 cm)
Medial Thigh Support (leg abductor), the fluid pad should be
attached to the sides of the accessory.
3. Check for bottoming out as described previously.
4. Pull the front of the cover over the Cushion first, then
stretch the back corners down around the base. Examine
the top of the cover to ensure proper fit. Cover should not
hammock between accessories.
Use JAY covers only
The use of an improper cover can adversely affect the perform-
ance of the JAY GS Cushion. Use only Jay-designed covers in con-
junction with the JAY GS Cushion. (Do not use additional covers
over the JAY GS Cover.)
Even a snug fitting cover will leave extra “tucks” of fabric
under the client. This extra material will ensure total fit of the
cover without tension against the skin.
The JAY GS Base can be easily modified at the factory or by your
authorized supplier to accommodate specialized seating needs.
These include: special sizes, leg length discrepancies, rail cutouts
for dropped or angled seats, back corner cutouts to recess
between the upright posts of the wheelchair, or specialized needs
as requested.