120 140 160 Systolic(㎜Hg)
4. Why do I have to check blood pressure at home?
Home monitoring may help alleviate the medical phenomena ‘White Coat
Hypertension’ which causes many individuals’ blood pressure to be higher
when taken in a medical office setting. The elevation of it may be due to
several factors, including stress, nervousness, or increased sympathetic
activity associated with the clinical environment. It may cause your blood
pressure to rise about 20 to 50mmHg higher than usual. When monitoring at
home, you may get a truer indication of your blood pressure in a usual,
relaxed state. Regular home monitoring provides you a valuable over time
readings to give to your physician to determine and diagnose and also
provides you the information when your blood pressure falls or rises to enable
to manage your health between doctor visits.
5. What is the benefit of data transmissible blood pressure monitor?
Without going to a hospital, you can get physician’s advice with data
transmissible blood pressure monitor.
ECHO-FT is a Home to Hospital bi-directional networking blood pressure
monitor that you can transmit saved data from the device to your personal
computer through interface then send your physician them. Your physician will
read those to find health problems and give proper advice you. With the
support of the analyzing program, ECHO-FT tracks your blood pressure
changes sophisticatedly and enables you to realize the characteristics of yours
Stage 2 Hypertension
Stage 1 Hypertension