5.1 AV Switch Box
CS 5.1 Surround Sound Converter
involved in the replacement. You must also deliver the
entire product to JATON or a JATON Authorized Service
Station. You are responsible for all transportation and
insurance charges for the unit to and from the Authorized
Service Station.
Register Product
You should read the owner’s manual thoroughly before operating
this product. You should complete and mail the enclosed
Registration card within thirty (30) days after you, or the person
who has given you this product as a gift, purchased this product.
This is one way to enable JATON to provide you with better
customer service and improved products. Failure to return the
card will not affect your rights under this warranty.
Your Responsibility
The above warranties are subject to the following conditions:
1. You must retain your bill of sale or provide other proof of
2. You must notify JATON or a JATON Authorized Service
Station within thirty (30) days after you discover a defective
product or part.
3. All warranty servicing of this product must be made by
JATON or a JATON Authorized Service Station.
4. JATON warranties are effective only if the product is
purchased and operated in the same continent territorial
5. Labor service charges for set installation. Set up, adjustment
of customer controls and installation or repair of antenna
systems are not covered by this warranty. Reception
problems caused by inadequate antenna systems are your
6. Warranties extend only to defects in materials or
workmanship as limited above and do not extend to any