5. Positioning
The accumulator may be placed at almost any
location complying with the requirements of
the building plan.
It is very important to allow for the total
weight of the full accumulator, and to
reinforce the floor accordingly when
necessary. The accumulator may also be
installed close to a wall, given that this does
not prevent fitting of connections and servicing
work. There is no need for more headroom
above the accumulator than is required for
making connections.
The accumulator may also be transported or
kept momentarily on its side when it is moved
into position. If the accumulator is moved into
position on its side, then the diagonal length
and the height of the installation space must
be considered when lifting the appliance into
an upright position. Depending on the
diameter of an accumulator, its diagonal
length will be some 10 - 15 per cent longer
than its height.