pg. 5
We recommend that you setup the controller and familiarize yourself with the functions before
mounting it.
This controller may be mounted with double sided tape or screws (and hollow wall anchors
where necessary). Mounting hardware is included. The mounting surface must be smooth and clean if
using the tape. Ideally, it should be mounted at the same height as the wall switches in your home.
The faceplate snaps onto the main body of the controller after it is mounted on the wall. It can be easily
removed by inserting a small flat blade screwdriver into the slot on the bottom and twisting gently.
Please note: In order to prolong battery life, the controller will “Time-Out”, exit setup and go into
stand-by (sleep) mode if more than 15 seconds elapses between steps in any programming
Copying Network and Device Information to this Controller (Replication)
This controller is a secondary controller; you must copy (replicate) your primary controller’s
device and network information to this secondary controller before trying to create or modify
Groups and Scenes.
The network information copied to this device depends upon the brand/type of primary controller you are
using. If the primary controller is a GE brand hand-held remote, all of the device & network information
plus the first 4 groups and scenes you created can be copied. If the primary controller is a different brand
or type (internet gateway, Z-Wave enabled computer, etc.), the device & network information will be copied
but the groups/scenes may not be. In either case, once this device has been added to your network, you
can create or modify the groups and scenes to meet your needs.
(1) Place the two controllers next to each other.
(2) Put the primary controller into transfer mode so that it sends its information to this secondary
controller. Refer to the instruction manual for your primary controller on how to put it into this
(3) Press and hold the Add and Remove button at the same time until the orange LED blinks twice.
(4) Press and release the OFF side of Group/Scene buttons 1,2,3,4 in sequence (left side of buttons).
(5) The Orange LED will start blinking.
(6) When Orange LED stops blinking and Green LED blinks twice, you have successfully transferred
information to the keypad controller.
Creating or adding a device to a Group
Since this is a secondary controller, it cannot add a new device to the network, but it can add a network
device to a group.
The network information must be copied to this device before trying to create or
modify a Group.
(1) Press and hold the Add and Remove buttons at the same time until the Orange LED blinks twice,
then release.
(2) Press and release the Add button.
(3) Press and release the Group button.