A clinical assessment of the patient’s risk of developing pressure ulcers should
be carried out.
Aids to the assessment include the Norton scale, Braden scale and Risk
Assessment Pressure Sore (RAPS) scale.
The assessment must be done on arrival or at the beginning of a care period, regardless
of whether the patient is in a care facility or cared for in his or her own home. According
to the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel’s (EPUAP) international guidelines, the
recommendation is within 8 hours. The assessment is made to identify the specific needs
of the patient regarding pressure relief and must be conducted by staff with adequate
knowledge and education.
Based on the patient’s assessed status, the appropriate mattress is chosen for the correct
purpose and pressure relief needs.
Routinely change the patient’s location and position on the mattress throughout the
care period. In addition, regularly examine the patient and check their skin condition
and nutritional status.
All of Järven Health Care’s OptiCell mattresses have undergone pressure measurement
testing according to SS 8760013 at Swerea IVF.
The results of the pressure measurement test form the basis for the classification of the
pressure relief properties of the mattresses.