MSR 1288 series
User’s Manual
The track data can be split by the “Field splitting Enable/Disable”.
If the card you used was recoded by ISO standard field format, you can decide what fields you
want to display. The default is set to display all fields.
Every field can be split by LF (line feed) or CR (carriage return), Please make choice on
[Send LF (Line
feed) after field data]
[Send CR (Carriage return) after field data]
6. Load Main Setting From MSR
Choose for up loading settings from the device to PC, this function only can be active by RS232 cable.
7. Detect Firmware Version
Choose for detecting firmware version of current the device, this function only can be active by RS232
8. Reset MSR to Factory Default
Choose for resetting the device to factory default settings, this function can be active either with KB or
RS232 cable.
9. Programming all settings
Choose for writing all settings you defined to MSR, please select via keyboard or via RS232 which
depends on what cable you are using.