JAPAN’ GOLD 5.0+. LED flashing control
High surface temperature of heat
Standard temperature ranges for various power supply methods:
- The surface temperature of the heat shield in the high voltage mode
should be approximately 33-38°C;
- The surface temperature of the heat shield in the medium voltage mode
should be approximately 31-36°C;
- The surface temperature of the heat shield in the low voltage mode
should be approximately 28-33°C.
When the power button is turned on,
the red color flashes 5 times
Insufficient battery charge, you need to charge it.
When you press the power button 3
times, the light diode does not turn
The device failed broken. Contact technical service.
When you press the power button 3
times, the light diode does not turn
The device failed broken. Contact technical service.
The charge indicator does not turn
This may occur due to spontaneous discharge. At the same time, the
battery becomes so discharged due to a long interruption in its use.
Fully charge the battery for 2 hours and the device will be ready to use.
If this does not happen, then the device is likely to fail.
Please contact technical service!
Start smoking slowly, you do not need to do sharp drags as it was when
smoking regular cigarettes. Tightening should be smooth and not deep in
the floor of the pharynx, do not rush. The slower you tighten, the better
the needle manages to warm up the tobacco. Relish every sip. Then you
will achieve the full effect.
The error of smokers they start to do sharply several drags in a row
expecting that smoke will become more. Here is another principle. The
slower you drag on, the more and thicker the smoke. Between puffs,
pause for 30-40 seconds; the longer the pause, the more the needle
manages to heat up and the taste of the tobacco improves. After 5-6
puffs, ash is formed near the needle and the needle needs to warm up
for 40-50 seconds more, so do not rush to smoke quickly, time is
sufficient and there is an additional mode of smoking.
If you hold the smoke in your lungs for 10-15 seconds, the effect will be
very good. After 5 puffs, you will feel a little dizzy. This “Nicotine” has
begun to act. Smoke slowly, the whole effect in a quiet smoking and
enjoying savor every breath of smoke. When you hold it in, the smoke
dissolves faster and tobacco gives the full effect.
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