Filter to Heater
Pump to Filter
Heater to Chlorinator
A. CV Standard Kit (VPK-CVSTD)
Figure 1. CV Standard Equipment Pad
In order to prevent risk of electrical shock,
fire, or Carbon Monoxide poisoning, before
beginning the installation of the Jandy Pro
SeriesVersa Plumb Kit, be sure to do the
• Turn off all elctrical power, gas supply and
other sources of power to the pool equipment.
• Follow the pool filter’s installation instructions
to properly drain the filter for service.
In order to minimize the possibility of ingesting
potentially toxic substances which could cause
injury from illness, including death, whenever
the instructions call for the use of “CPVC
cement”, use a cement that has been listed by
or an equivalent Nationally Recognized
Testing Laboratory (NRTL) or certification body.
Read and follow the cement manufacturer’s
danger and cautionary statements and
instructions for use.
start pump while standing
within five (5) feet of the filter. Starting
the pump while there is pressurized
air in the system can cause the filter
lid to be blown off, which can cause
death, serious personal injury or
property damage.
Before restarting the system, consult the
installation and operating manuals for
each piece of equipment for proper startup
1. Position the pool suction and return lines in front of
the equipment pad location.
2. Position the various equipment pad components.
Bring the suction and return piping up through the
perforated holes on the template.
3. Connect the pump to the suction lines (pool only or
pool/spa combo) using CPVC cement and primer.
The length of pipe into the suction port of the pump
should be a minimum of four (4) times the pipe
4. Use CPVC cement and primer and connect the
pump to the filter using the sweep elbow with the
½” NPT plug component of the kit, marked as “A”
in figure 1. This positions the filter.
5. Use CPVC cement and primer and connect the filter
to the heater using the straight length of pipe with
union nuts on both ends, marked as “B” in figure 1.
This positions the heater.
6. Attach the check valve (marked as “C”
in figure
) to the outlet of the LXi™ making sure the flow
arrow points in the correct direction.
7. If desired, attach a salt chlorinator spool or a blank
spool assembly provided in this kit to the check
valve and then run the return line from the spool to
the trench using CPVC cement and primer.
Also included in the Versa Plumb Kit are two (2)
additional 3-way valves and a spare 12” of pipe
for your use in the event that you add additional
components on the return system.
3. Installation Instructions
Page 2
Pro Series Versa Plumb
Replacement Kit Instructions
Page 2