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3. Remove the rainguard assembly (see Fig.
32). If installing an indoor Draught Diverter,
discard the rainguard. If installing an Exter-
nal Flue Terminal, set the rainguard aside to
be re-installed later.
4. Remove the two screws securing the left
vestibule cover (see Fig. 33). The cover can
be discarded.
5. Remove the flue terminal or draught diverter
and accessories from the carton.
6. Place transition plate securely on top of flue
collector so flue gases will not leak (see
Fig. 34).
7. If installing an External Flue Terminal,
remove the entire back panel of the rainguard
(see Fig. 35).
8. If installing an External Flue Terminal, re-
install the rainguard (see Fig. 36).
9. Replace heater top and all eight screws (see
Fig. 37).
10. Slide the adapter plate up over the bottom of
the stack extension. Fit the stack extension on
top of the collar of the flue transition plate
(see Fig. 38).
11. Seat the adapter plate on the top assembly,
and secure it with screws supplied in the kit
(see Fig. 39).
12. Attach the clips to the adapter plate by
securing the slotted side of the clips with the
screws in the kit (see Fig. 40).
13. Use the holes in the clips as guides to drill
three 1/8" dia. holes in the stack.
Figure 31. Removal of
the Top
Figure 30. Removal of
Top Plate
Figure 32. Removal of
Rainguard Assembly
Figure 33. Removal of
Vestibule Cover
Figure 35. Removal of the
Back Portion of Rainguard
Figure 34. Installation of
Transition Plate
Figure 36. Rainguard
Figure 37. Installation of
the Top of the Heater