EVO controller
AutoMin %
(Default value) no device is installed for the automatic operation of the fan speed.
This parameter is only available if the auto parameter is set on ext. signal or UR sensor. It can take values between
0 and 99% (1% steps) with the following limit: AutoMin%<AutoMax% For a unit equipped with variable speed fans:
If auto ext. signal corresponds to the input signal percentage value for which fans turn at the minimum speed;
below this value, fans remain set at the minimum speed. For instance, the value AutoMin% 030 corresponds to a
3V (30% of 10V) input signal. If auto UR sensor corresponds to the (percentage) relative humidity for which fans
turn at the minimum speed; below this value, fans remain set at the minimum speed. For a unit equipped with
3-speed fans, referring to the second image of the auto ext. signal parameter, after fixing the SP.1,2% and SP.2,3%
values (the nominal values at which speed changes from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3), the appropriate value to be
assigned to the parameter can be obtained as follows:
AutoMin ppm
AutoMin ppm
parameter is only available if the auto parameter is set on CO
VOC. It can take values between 0 ppm and
1980 ppm (20ppm steps) with the following limit: AutoMin ppm<AutoMax ppm For a unit equipped with variable
speed fans, it corresponds to the CO
-VOC) concentration, expressed in ppm, for which fans turn at the
minimum speed; below this value, fans remain set at the minimum speed. For a unit equipped with 3-speed fans,
referring to the second image of the auto CO
VOC parameter, after fixing the SP.1,2% and SP.2,3% values (the
nominal values at which speed changes from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3), the correct value to be assigned to the
parameter can be obtained as follows:
AutoMax %
This parameter is only available if the auto parameter is set on ext. signal or UR sensor. It can take values between
0 and 99% (1% steps) with the following limit: AutoMin%<AutoMax% For a unit equipped with variable speed fans:
If auto ext. signal, corresponds to the input signal percentage value for which fans turn at the maximum speed;
above this value, fans remain set at the maximum speed. For instance, the value AutoMin% 080 corresponds to
an 8V (80% of 10V) input signal. If auto UR sensor, corresponds to the (percentage) relative humidity for which
fans turn at the maximum speed; below this value, fans remain set at the maximum speed. For a unit equipped
with 3-speed fans, referring to the second image of the auto ext. signal parameter, after fixing the SP.1,2% and
SP.2,3% values (the nominal values at which speed changes from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3), the correct value to be
assigned to the parameter can be obtained as follows:
AutoMin% =
7 x SP.1,2% - 2 x SP.2,3%
AutoMax% =
8 x SP.2,3% - 3 x SP.1,2%
AutoMin ppm =
7 x SP.1,2% - 2 x SP.2,3%
AutoMax ppm =
8 x SP.2,3% - 3 x SP.1,2%
AutoMax ppm This
parameter is only available if the auto parameter is set on CO
VOC. It can take values between 20 ppm and
2000 ppm (20ppm steps) with the following limit: AutoMin ppm<AutoMax ppm For a unit equipped with variable
speed fans, it corresponds to the CO
-VOC) concentration, expressed in ppm, for which fans turn at the
maximum speed; below this value, fans remain set at the maximum speed. For a unit equipped with 3-speed fans,
referring to the second image of the auto CO
VOC parameter, after fixing the SP.1,2% and SP.2,3% values (the
nominal values at which speed changes from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3), the correct value to be assigned to the
parameter can be obtained as follows:
This parameter is only available if the auto is set at a value different from none. (default value) it does not affect
the system operation. Its value is expressed in minutes and represents the interval lapsed from the time when the
signal of the extern device for the auto mode has achieved or exceeded the AutoMax%, or Auto Max ppm value,
without dropping below this value, beyond which an anomaly to the external device (CO2, HR probe or external
signal) is notified.
AutoOn %
This parameter is only available if the auto parameter is set on ext. signal or UR sensor and the digital output is
configured as auto cmp (Factory menu). Default value 050, is expressed in %; for values of HR% as read by the
relative humidity sensor (or for values of the 0-10V external signal expressed as a percentage) lower than the set
value, the digital output changes its status.
This parameter is only available if the auto parameter is set on ext. signal or UR sensor and the digital output is
configured as auto cmp (Factory menu). Default value 050, it is expressed in %; for values of HR% as read by the
relative humidity sensor (or for values of the 0-10V external signal expressed as a percentage) higher than the set
value, the digital output dedicates returns to its standard status.
AutoOn ppm
This parameter is only available if the auto parameter is set on CO
VOC and the digital output is configured as
auto cmp (Factory menu). Default value 0500, it is expressed in ppm; for ppm values as read by the CO
lower than the set value, the digital output dedicated changes its status.