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11. Camera Control Tool for AT-200CL
A Camera Control Tool for AT-200cl can be downloaded from JAI web site
control tool is based on the Windows XP operating system.
Software installation
Run AT-140_200CL.exe file from the folder downloaded. As the setup program initiates, start
to set up according to screen instructions.
Run the software
Connect the camera with PC via a Camera link communication cable and set the camera
power ON. In the Windows Stat menu, select “program” and then “JAI A-S” and click “AT-
200CL Control Tool”. If the frame grabber boards are already installed in the PC, the control
tool shows all installed frame grabber boards and it is OK to use. Click “OK”.
If the frame grabber board is not used, select an appropriate port and click “OK”.
If the following error message comes up, please check the connection cable and the camera
Camera Control screen
When the communication between PC and the camera is established, the current settings in
the camera are loaded to the control tool and the control tool presents the current camera
There are two screens for the camera control, “User Parameter1” and “User Parameter2”.
Using each screen, the following parameters can be set.