6. If your dial valve does not have a RINSE cycle,
proceed to STEP 7. If your dial valve does have a
RINSE cycle, set it to that position, restart pump and
allow it to run 20 seconds. STOP pump.
7. Set dial valve to FILTER and restart pump.
Proper and consistent use of chemicals is necessary to
maintain clean, sanitary water, prevent a spread of
germ infection and control the growth of algae which
can spoil the appearance and enjoyment of your pool
or spa.
Chlorine is the most commonly used chemical to
provide clean, sanitary water. Either dry or liquid
chlorine can be used which should be added daily as it
is dissipated by dirt and germs as well as by the sun
and wind.
It is also important that the correct level of acidity or
alkalinity of the pool water be maintained. This is the
pH of your pool with pH 7.0 being neutral. Readings
above pH 7.0 are alkaline and readings below are acid.
A desirable range is 7.2 to 7.4. Consult your local
pool/spa dealer for complete information on proper
application and use of chemicals.
Filter tank and contents should not require attention
other than backwashing provided water is kept in
continuous chemical balance without heavy dosages of
corrosive chemicals.
When the new filter is first placed in service, note
reading on pressure gauge. As dirt builds up in filter,
the pressure reading will increase. When it reads 10
PSI above the original reading, it is time to backwash
as described below.
1. STOP pump.
2. Set dial valve to BACKWASH and start pump.
3. Observe the waste water. STOP pump when flow
becomes milky clear (approximately one to three
4. If your dial valve does not have a RINSE cycle
proceed to step 5. If your dial valve does have a
RINSE cycle, set it to that position, restart pump and
allow to run 20 seconds. STOP pump.
5. Set dial to FILTER and start pump to resume filter-
ing operation.
Do not use pool vacuum cleaner when filter is
Consult your dealer for advice on winterizing your
equipment if freezing temperatures occur in your
locality. Their knowledge of your equipment makes
them the best qualified source of information. Follow
their recommendations, and if these include draining
the filter system, proceed as follows:
1. BACKWASH for 3 to 5 minutes and the set dial
valve to WINTERIZE position.
Drain system by removing drain plugs and/or
removing pipe caps from the filter, pumps, and disin-
fecting equipment. Store plugs in a dry place for