Contact an authorized service center to perform diagnostic tests or repairs not shown in general maintenance.
The following provides some helpful hints for troubleshooting common issues when using the cleaner.
Cleaner moving too slowly/not
sucking debris
Clean the filter bags.
• Check to ensure the suction ports are not clogged or blocked.
All LEDs flashing on the power
• Check if cleaner is turned on when out of the water.
Check the motor protection screen, filter bag may be stuck.
• Check the propeller.
Restart the cleaner. Press On/Off button, cleaner will resume.
Floating cable is coiled or tangled
Lay the cable flat in the sun on the ground to straighten.
• Change the order of the wheel axle pins.
Verify the floating cable enters the water near the middle of the pool
length. (TIP: mark the correct length with black electrical tape)
• Reduce the amount of cable in the water.
Cleaner not sucking debris
• Check cleaner is set up properly and turned on.
Make sure the filter bags are clean.
• Check the propeller.
• Adjust the suction ports under the cleaner for blockages.
Cleaner is stuck in the middle
of the pool and is pumping out
• Check for obstructions or any loose objects in the pool.
• Check and adjust the height of the suction ports.
They may be touching the bottom of the pool.
Cleaner pattern stays in a certain
area of the pool
Restart the cleaner at a different end of the pool.
• Check for correct pool size setting: Large or Small.
• Change the order of the wheel axle pins.
Cleaner does not cover entire
Clean the filter bags.
• Adjust the cycle time setting.
• Check the wheels and axles for blockages.
• Change the order of the wheel axle pins.