Most cleaning and maintenance should be done while the unit is completely cold.
Burning off the grill on high for about 5 minutes after each use will keep excessive food residue from building
up but in no way does this replace a proper thorough cleaning.
Grease Management System:
Your grill is equipped with a small grease cup in the front of the unit. This cup should be cleaned thoroughly
after each use and before the grill is transported.
Because the design of the inside bottom of the grill promotes flow of fats and grease into this cup the bottom
of the grill needs to be scraped and cleaned on a regular basis in order for the system to work as designed.
A small amount of sand can be added to the grease cup for absorbency.
Cooking surface cleaning:
Clean the cooking surface with a stiff brass bristle brush after each use while burning it off will help keep the
cook surface from having excess residue build up.
The cooking surface can be washed with hot soapy water and a Scotch Brite scouring pad in order for the
cooking surface to be cleaned more thoroughly. Rinse with clean hot water.
Outside surfaces cleaning:
Use mild dish soap and hot water to clean the outside of the grill.
Do not use any abrasive cleaners, scouring pads, strong degreasers etc., on this appliance as this will
scratch the outside surface of the portable grill.
If using the Jackson Stainless Steel Cleaner to remove any surface corrosion be sure to go with the grain of
the finish in order to not make swirls in the stainless steel, this product is mildly abrasive and is should be
applied with a soft cloth.
Always rinse with clean hot water.
Use a spray on stainless steel polish to add shine and help protect the exterior stainless steel from surface
contaminants and any corrosion.
Interior firebox maintenance:
Remove the cooking grid, flame diffuser and the burner from the grill.
Remove excess residue using a brush, scraper and or cleaning pad.
Spray inside the firebox with oven degreaser and let stand for 5 minutes.
Use a toothbrush to loosen up grease and food residues. Rinse with clean hot water.
Wipe out firebox with a paper towel or rag.
Make sure all of the oven degreaser and other cleaners are wiped off, and rinse with clean hot water. Then let
the grill air out with the lid open for 15 minutes before using.
Burner maintenance:
Clean the exterior burner surface with a stiff brass bristle brush.
Make sure all of the burner port holes are free of obstruction by using a large paperclip to poke the holes out.
This is
extremely important
to prolong the lifespan of the stainless steel burner.
Finally, knock out debris and residue from inside the burner. (Spider nests are a common contaminant).
Flame diffuser maintenance:
Remove residue and larger pieces of food using a brush, scraper and or cleaning pad after each use.
If desired, cleaners can be used for the final cleaning; then rinse with clean hot water.
This will reduce flare ups and prevent premature break down.
Some cleaners may remove the silk
screened labels on the console; use
caution when applying.
When cleaning heavy soiling, always polish/scrub
in the direction of the stainless steel grain.
Many cleaners can be caustic, so for final cleaning use soapy
hot water followed by a rinse with clean hot water.
Grease fires are usually caused by excess
grease being left in the oven or the grease cup.
Clean grease accumulations regularly!