15. 请不要以不适当物体来敲打或撞击本产品及各装置。
Please do not knock or hit this product as well as its equipment of all kinds with some
unsuitable objects.
Guaranteed period
The guaranteed period for this product is one year, starting from the purchase date .
Guaranteed range
When this kind of products are operated correctly without personal operation mistakes, in
guaranteed period, we will repair them until them can work normally without any charge. But
in the following cases, users need to pay for maintenance:
1. 意外因素或人为因素所导致的产品故障或损坏,如输入不适合电压、将产品移做其它用途、自行
Product malfunction or damage results from unexpected factors or personal factors, such
as unsuitable voltage, using for other unauthorized purpose, individually dismantling
and repairing, water and oil leaking, mechanical damage and breakage.
2. 因不可抗拒力导致的产品故障或损坏,如地震、雷击、火灾、水灾、盐蚀、潮湿等。
Product malfunction or damage results from irresistible factors, including earthquake,
fire, lightening strike, flood, salt erosion and dampness.
3. 客户购买后,自行运输或托付运输公司运输过程中导致的产品故障或损坏。
Product malfunction or damage results from individual transportation or transportation
of entrusted company after users buy products.
4. 其他非产品本身设计、技术、制造、质量等问题导致的产品故障或损坏。
Product malfunction or damage results from some factors, excluding product design,
technology, manufacturing, and quality.
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC