Thank you for choosing Jackrabbit. We stand behind our products and are very proud of the equipment we
design and manufacture. Preventive maintenance is the easiest and least expensive type of maintenance. Please
take the time to review this Owner’s Operator’s Manual. It can save you time and expense.
JACKRABBIT warrants each new piece of equipment and parts manufactured by it to be free from defects in
material and workmanship under normal use and service. The obligation of JACKRABBIT shall be limited to
replacing any part which shall, within 1 year (1 season) after delivery to the original purchaser, be returned to
JACKRABBIT with transportation charges prepaid and which an examination by JACKRABBIT discloses defective.
This Warranty does not obligate JACKRABBIT to bear the cost of labor, travel time or hauling in connection with the
replacement or repair of the defective parts and in no event will be liable for consequential damages including but
not limited to loss of crop, rental or substitute equipment or other commercial loss.
No warranties or representations made by persons other than representatives of JACKRABBIT expressly
authorized in writing to do so shall be valid and binding upon JACKRABBIT. No dealer shall be authorized to bind
JACKRABBIT in this respect.
JACKRABBIT makes no warranty with respect to component parts not manufactured by JACKRABBIT. This
warranty shall not apply to any equipment which has been altered in any way outside of manufacturer’s factory, or
which has been subject to misuse, neglect or accident.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties and representations, expressed, implied, or
statutory, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use, and all other liabilities or
obligations on the part of JACKRABBIT, foreseeable or not.
It is the responsibility of the user to read the Operator’s Manual and understand the safe and correct
operating procedures as pertains to the operation of the product and to lubricate and maintain the product
according to the maintenance schedule in the Operator’s Manual.
Warranty service may be obtained through an authorized dealer or JACKRABBIT service facility. Write or call:
JACKRABBIT, 471 Industrial Ave, CA 95366, telephone (209) 599-6118.