Jabra GN9120
is a reGistered trademark of GN Netcom a/s
Verify that you haVe receiVed a correct replacement battery
How to replace battery in Jabra Gn9120
usinG tHe battery replacement kit
this is what you do:
- Lift the headset from the base and take off the ear-cushion (1)
- separate the boom-arm and speaker part from wearing style
(headband/ear hook) (2)
- the battery becomes visible
- the battery is either locked by a screw (a) or by a plastic clip (b)
a. if the battery is locked by a screw
- use the screwdriver in the replacement kit to unscrew the lock
- slide the battery out of the headset (5)
- insert the battery from the replacement kit into the headset (6)
- use the screwdriver in the replacement kit to screw lock back on
- Put boom-arm and speaker part back together
- Put ear-cushion back on the headset
- charge the headset for 2 hours until the base station battery
indicator goes solid green
if this does not happen within 2 hours, make sure that the battery
is inserted correctly as shown on next page – or visit Jabra.com
- when fully charged the headset is ready to use
batteries “made by atL” must be replaced by a synergy battery
with sticker.
the replacement battery carries a “made by synergy” mark and
this battery is safe to use.
(3-4) only one screw
needs to be unscrewed.