- 10 -
Turn the power off (backup cover as well, if used).
Put the jumper on the RESET pins
Turn the power on (green LED starts flashing) and
Wait until the LED indicates permanently (after approx. 5 sec), then take the jumper off
the reset pins.
When a reset is performed all settings are erased, including telephone numbers and
10. Technical specifications
10.5 ÷ 15 V DC
Consumption in standby
approx. 25 mA (+17 mA per relay)
Max. device consumption during GSM communication
200 mA
GSM module operation band E-GSM
850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
GSM RF output power
2 W for GSM 850 / 900
1 W for GSM 1800 / 1900
Triggering of inputs A, B, C, D
connection to GND
X and Y outputs load:
- resistive load
max. 2.5 A / 250 V AC
- inductive (capacitive), bulb load
max. 0.5 A / 250 V AC
Can be operated according to
ERC REC 70-03
Safety EN
EN 301489-7, EN 55022 and EN 61000-6-3
Radio emissions
ETSI EN 301511
Operational environment
II. Indoor general (-10 °C to +40 °C)
Dimensions (no antenna)
76 x 110 x 33 mm
GSM antenna connection
by SMA connector
This product complies with the essential requirements of: RTTE Directive
1999/5/EC, 2011/65/EU, when used for its intended purpose. The original of
the conformity assessment can be found at www.jablotron.com, Technical
Support section.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after use.
GD-04K -
- MNY51104
6.3. Remote setup using the setup webpage
The GD-04K module can also be programmed by the setup webpage
where you can fill in the basic parameters and send those
settings to the communicator (options marked in red are not supported by the GD-04K).
The setup page allows only to send new setting but it is not possible to read current
setting from a device. That´s why we strictly recommend to save the current settings ready
to be sent to the GD-04K before leaving the web page (“Save the settings in your
computer for future use -> Save”).
When the communicator receives new setting then a factory RESET is performed and
the setting is uploaded. All programming options which are not filled in will be erased.
Therefore it is always necessary to fill in all the required options not only the one which is
to be changed. The best way of programming the GD-04K remotely is by using
software and higher, see chapter 6.2.
6.4. Setup using SMS
The GD-04K basic functions can also be programmed by SMS instructions, see the
PC, ARX, heating ON, DRX, heating OFF
is the password, every programming SMS has to begin with (default
password is PC, it can be changed, maximum 2-30 characters, no diacritics)
is a comma which separates every instruction or command form
is the instruction for relay X to be switched ON, followed by a comma
is the instruction for relay X to be switched OFF, followed by a comma
This programming SMS sets up the X relay to be switched ON / OFF by the SMS
commands “heating ON” and “heating OFF”.
An overview of all programming instructions
is given in
table 1
(at the end of this
instruction manual).
Rules valid for configuration SMS instruction use:
If you want to send more than one programming SMS, then every SMS has to begin
with a valid password.
More instructions can be included in one programming SMS. The device can manage
a “long SMS” and it means that a programming SMS can include up to 2400
characters with no diacritics or 1050 characters with diacritics.
Every instruction has to be separated by a comma and none must be put at the end
of the instruction command.
4. Spaces in the programming SMS are ignored except the spaces in programmed
5. When a programming SMS is received and processed, the GSM communicator
answers back with PROGRAM OK (this text can be edited).
If the GSM communicator detects a syntax error in the received programming SMS it
answers with PROGRAM ERROR (this text can be edited) and forwards the invalid
syntax back to the sender. All valid instructions are performed and the unrecognized
part of the texts is ignored.
Capital and small letters are treated equally.