MPFC Electronics Trouble Shooting Instructions
3. Function speed
shows small
proportional change
over handle range.
3.1 Trim pots out of
3.1.1 Full output trim pots (MAX or HI/LO) possibly saturated
(set too high). Fully deflect handle and then back off 10
degrees. Change in function output should be noted. If
not, turn trim pot CCW several turns and observe.
Refer to MPFC Adjustment Instructions.
4. High-Low range
option will not
transfer between
Low and High
4.1 No power at terminal J5
pin 2
4.1.1 Check for source voltage at terminal J5-2 in the high
range mode. Check that the voltage is no longer
present when in low range mode. If no voltage is
present check wiring and integrity of switching device
responsible for controlling this function.
4.1.2 Check if HI/LO and MAX trim pots are adjusted
properly. See MPFC Adjustment Instructions for HLRA.
5. Ramp ineffective or
function response is
too slow.
5.1 Trim pot out of
5.1.1 Turn Ramp trim pot CW to slow down the output rate of
change (increases ramp time and reduces the functions
response time to handle movement).
5.1.2 Turn Ramp trim pot CCW to speed up the output rate of
change (reduces ramp time and increases the functions
response time to handle movement).
6.1 D11 Blinks
6.1.1 D11 Blinks for eight seconds during power-up. The
board runs a self-diagnostic routine. Output is
inoperative during this time
6.2 D12 Blinks
6.2.1 D12 blinks during normal operation. Board should work
6.3 D14 Blinks once
6.3.1 Command pot was not centered at startup. Center
controller handle and restart power.
6.4 D14 Blinks twice
6.4.1 Broken pot wire. Turn power off and check all wiring for
open connections.
6.5 D14 Blinks 3 times
6.5.1 Forward threshold greater than high range. Increase
MAX. 1 adjustment or reduce Thres.1 pot adjustment
6.6 D14 Blinks 4 times
6.6.1 Reverse threshold greater than high range. Increase
MAX. 2 pot adjustment or reduce Thres.2 pot
6.7 D14 Blinks 5 times
6.7.1 Forward threshold greater than low range. Increase
HI/LO pot adjustment or reduce Thres.1 pot adjustment
6. Diagnostic LED’s
6.8 D14 Blinks 6 times
6.8.1 Reverse threshold greater than low range. Increase
HI/LO pot adjustment or reduce Thres.2 pot adjustment
Stratford, CT
Pub. # 37.L8
Summary of Contents for MPFC
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