S3F8S5A Development Kit
User Manual
Zilog’s S3F8S5A Development Kit, part number S3F8S5A0100ZCOG, allows you to
evaluate your S3F8S5A-based designs and applications. The Kit features a Development
Board consisting of the following components:
Four LEDs
Two pushbuttons
LCD module
256 byte Serial EEPROM
Header pins
This user manual provides instructions for setting up and configuring the S3F8S5A Devel-
opment Board. It includes schematic diagrams and a discussion of the Board features and
The S3F8S5A Development Board features an S3F8S5A MCU in a 44-pin QFP package,
plus an S3 PGM connector to connect the Board to a host development PC using the S3
Flash In-System Programmer II (ISP). To learn more about the S3F8S5A MCU, refer to
the S3F8S5A Product Specification (
) and/or the S3 Flash In-System Programmer
User Manual (
This document guides you through the following tasks:
Downloading and installing ZDS II software and documentation
Connecting the S3 Flash ISP II and S3F8S5A Development Board to your PC
Starting the S3F8S5A Ledblink sample program
Kit Contents
The S3F8S5A Development Kit contains the following items:
S3F8S5A Development Board
S3 Flash ISP II
10-circuit ribbon cable
USB A (male) to Mini-B USB cable (2)
S3F8S5A Development Kit hardcopy insert