Assembly Instructions
IWS Dripper System
Connect the dripper unit to the pots.
Each pot needs two drippers. Cut 12 lengths of dripper tubing (length dependent on
pot position). Firmly push one end of each tube into each of the twelve dripper outlets on the underside of the dripper head. (NB
If you are using less than 12 drippers you can seal the unused outlets by unscrewing the top of the dripper head, removing the
plastic filter, and sealing the top of the outlet with a rubber dripper plug supplied.)
Connect the dripper spikes to the dripper tubing.
Push each tube onto the rounded end of each dripper spike. Soften the
trailing ends of the 12 lengths of dripper tubing in a cup of hot water.
Connect the brain pot to your drainage point.
Any nutrient solution that is not taken up by the plants will end up flowing
back into the brain pot and will then need to be pumped to a drainage point. Cut an appropriate length of hose and connect
one end to the external pump nozzle on the brain pot marked drain.
Feed the other end of the hose to the drainage point.
Plug the brain pot power unit directly into the mains.
Plug the nutrient pump into one of the minute timer’s extension sockets.
Although the minute timer has a two-gang
extension unit, you will only need to use one of the sockets.
Set up the minute timer.
As the standard 24hr segmental timer can only be set to come on for a minimum of 15 minute
durations, you can set the length of each drip cycle more precisely with the minute timer. Turn the time dial to the desired value
this will be the time the pump runs for. See instructions supplied.
Fill the inner mesh pots with growing medium.
Fill each inner pot with the growing medium of your choice. Then insert an
inner pot into each outer pot. If you are using a growing medium with is made of small particles please use the sleeve provided.
Place two dripper spikes into each pot.
Insert each dripper spike a few inches deep so that it sits securely in the medium.
Fill the nutrient tank with water (and nutrients as required).
Be careful not to overfill the nutrient tank.
Connect the minute timer to the mains this will turn the red LED power light on.
Set the current time on the IWS fifteen minute segmental timer.
Rotate the 24hr dial so that the small arrow points to
the current time. For instance, if it is 4pm, rotate the dial to ‘16’.
Set each drip time.
Push out a segment corresponding to each drip time.
Turn the minute timer to the desired length of time.
Ensure the small switch on the 24hr timer is positioned centrally.
This sets the timer to react only to the position of
the segments rather than being set to permanently ‘on’ (1) or ‘off’ (0).
Plug the 24hr segmental timer to the mains electricity.
Wait for the timer to reach the first drip time. Verify that water is
coming out of all the drippers.
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Great stuff! Now you’re ready to get growing!
Flood, Drain & Dripper Instructions May 11:Layout 2 02/04/2012 12:56 Page 5